Sunday 24 December 2017


Wishing everyone associated with Walking Football at the Soccerdome a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Special thanks go to our very own "Fab Four".

They look after our every whim (well almost) throughout the year and boy do they earn their Christmas break. Well Done Girls. See you all again next year.

Tuesday 19 December 2017


Yes - it was that time of year again on Saturday 16th December 2017, for the old fogies to have their annual Christmas Party celebrations. 

Once most people had arrived, Kel set about his usual baffling quizzes, followed by Play Your Cards Right and Stand Up Bingo. Kel has been asked not to do Stand Up Bingo next year, as some of the older guests (and one younger one) found it difficult to stand for any length of time.

Play Your Cards Right did go on for quite a while, but as Stefan quite rightly pointed, the problem lay with the Ali Shuffle.

The lashings of real ale went down well, especially after partaking in Bec's wonderful (exclusive to the Soccerdome) scouse. It was disappointing that there was no jelly and ice cream, as most guests had forgotten to bring their Poligrip.

We would have liked David Walliams to come do a stand up spot but instead, mainly due to running out of funds, we had to settle for Brian "The Unicorn" Williams instead. In fact most people didn't notice the difference.

A lot of the guests had been allowed to stay out especially late, providing that they guaranteed their carers that usual medication would still be taken. Although one lady actually tried to insist that Vodka Slushies were her usual medication.

All in all, it was a very entertaining evening. a big thank you to Bec, the manageress and to the two pole dancers, Sarah and Ale. Also thanks to Bec's better half Jason for doing the disco and to Kel for all his usual entertainment.

But most of all a big thank you for the great turn out for our third annual Christmas party.

"You've all done very well", said young Mr Grace.

Friday 8 December 2017


Many apologies for not keeping this blog up to date. It's been a funny old year. However I have been keeping things posted on the facebook page. New name for the blog as well considering we are now well under the Soccerdome banner. Plus it's a pleasure to be treated so well by our four Soccerdome heroines. I will try to keep the blog more up to date but in the meantime here is a clip from Roddie's classic film "The Old Men Strike Back".

Tuesday 21 February 2017


Firstly, apologies for the lateness of this update. Other more trivial things than walking football have needed to be taken care of.

We have had quite a few new members join us this year, and one of the most frequently asked questions after "Where's the loo" is "What attire will I need to play?".

As we play inside on an astro 3g pitch which is not subject to changing weather conditions, initially most trainers will suffice, providing they give a reasonable grip. As for clothing, wear whatever you feel comfortable in, though I would not recommend jeans. Obviously, as you progress, you might want to get more specialized, but the following are some of my experiences in the footwear line.

I didn't really have any suitable trainers. My Adidas Italia had been worn for years for everything from Days Out to D.I.Y. and beyond, and the soles were, to say the least, very smooth. My first purchase, in a local sports store, were a pair of Puma Kratero Astro Turf boots.

These cost about £25 and they are good value for money. They "break-in" reasonably quickly. However, they seem to be quite a wide fitting and become a bit too loose after time.

Next purchase was a pair of Adidas Predators at about £30. These also "break-in" reasonably fast, and they are my current boot of choice. They are a snug fitting boot, and the red pair are still going strong after two years. The blue pair still need "breaking in".

As an alternative, I purchased a pair of Adidas X-ite Turf Trainers at the local Adidas Outlet shop for again £25. These are reasonably comfortable but size wise are a shade too long for my feet. Unfortunately the next size down was too tight. If you excuse the pun, the general rule of thumb on sizing is that your big toe should be half a thumbs width from the front of the shoe.

Best places to purchase initially are your local discount sports stores or at outlet villages. Once you have settled on a pair you can then always buy a spare pair online. As makes and styles provide different fits, it's best to try on as many different shoes as you can. During my initial purchase I tried on Adidas, Puma, Nike, Sondico, Patrick amongst others.

So to sum up:

Always try to buy your first pair in person.

All football boots require "breaking-in".

Sizes and width fittings vary by manufacturer.

Don't be fooled into thinking that the more you pay - the better the boot.

After a while, it is wise to invest in a quality pair of insoles.

Don't not immerse your boots in hot water to soften them up. All you do is soften the glue at the seams.

Thursday 26 January 2017


Another year of walking football has passed, and lots of changes have occurred. We started 2016 playing at Soocerloco in Bromborough with sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays.

In February, we got together with Bebington Sports College with a view to promoting walking football. However, due to reasons beyond our control this never materialized. 

March saw our last Thursday session as numbers were dwindling and we could also not always be guaranteed a pitch. An alternative trial at Neston Cricket Club proved to be both unrealistic and expensive.

March also saw us do a six-hour walking football marathon in aid of Sport Relief. With some assistance from the lads at Bebington Sports College, we raised over £500 for this great cause.

March, April & May also saw us play in a walking football league at the FA in Northwich with varying degrees of success. 

In July, however, we were given the sad news that Soccerloco would be closing it's doors at the end of the month. Despite assurances from Age UK Wirral that they would find us a new venue, this was not to be and we were left basically high & dry. However, a visit to the only other indoor 3g facility on the Wirral proved most productive and thanks to Becky and her staff, we moved our walking football sessions to the Soccer Dome in Seacombe at the end of July. Since then, we have gained 10 new members as well as retaining many of the old guard from Soccerloco, including It's former owner Paul W.

In August, we played in the Cheshire FA Walking Football Festival for the first time under the Soccer Dome banner, where we were knocked out in the semi-final stage.

November saw the start of monthly competitions at the Soccer Dome, and the Dome Army eventually lost out in the final to a very strong team from Warrington Livewire.

On a personal note, I decided it might be prudent for me to take an FA First Aid Course, which I did in February. Thankfully, I haven't needed to use my newly learned knowledge as yet. I also decided to resign my post as treasurer at Cheshire FA Walking Football in the autumn due to health reasons.

So what have we learned in the past twelve months. 

Well, for one, there are still people out there who would like to promote walking football for their own personal gain or egos. Thankfully, this is not the case at the Soccer Dome.

Females can play, referee & coach along side males on an equal footing and do not need to be segregated.

It's not just about the football, it's a whole social event, which some local organizers are at pains to understand. This can be judged by the success of our Christmas Party and the social interaction after sessions.

Anyway, enough babbling, onwards & upwards for 2017.

Fancy joining us, just come on down and join in the fun.


Last Sunday saw the third walking football competition at the Soccer Dome. With six teams taking part, winning was always going to be difficult, and although we went out in the preliminary round, we did play some good football and again used the competition as a learning curve for future events.

On the bright side, one of our players out on loan, Rob, played a major role in helping Franks Town win the trophy. Congratulations to Rob, but you're playing for us next time. (I'll sort it out with your agent).

The next competition is on Sunday 18th February. Details on the Soccer Dome website.