Tuesday 18 August 2015


Apologies for the recent lack of updates. Whilst it would appear there has been very little activity - far from it.

Yesterday we had another great coaching session at Powerleague in Kirkdale with Stu. Shaughn was given the first Player Of The Week award . Well done mate. We will possibly be moving this session over to the Wirral in the very near future with a change of day to Thursday and a late afternoon / early evening time slot. The main reasons for this are to give the opportunity for people still working to attend and also to create a new cachment area for TRWF. This will not effect the regular Wednesday sessions.

We also represented Tranmere Rovers Walking Football at a meeting at Cheshire FA yesterday, with the intention of setting out the first set of FA sanctioned Walking Football rules. In all 46 points were discussed by a committee of seven and hopefully a new set of rules for walking football in Cheshire will be available in two weeks time. These rules will be implemented for the first time at the Cheshire Walking Football Showcase Tournament which will be held in Knutsford on Tuesday 22nd September 2015. (Further details to follow). This showcase will be a taster for a Cheshire based mini-league which will hopefully start in October. George and myself were elected as joint treasurers for the newly formed organisation which will henceforth be known as Cheshire Walking Football.

The next tournament for TRWF is at Active Soccer in Maghull on Saturday 19th September 2015 with an 11.00am start. (Again further details to follow).

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