Thursday 22 December 2016


Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Big thank you to everyone who attended our Walking Football Christmas Party on 16th December at the Soccer Dome.
Big Thank You to Becky, Sarah & Ale for looking after us on the night and feeding us (especially the Soccer Dome Scouse which is becoming quite legendary). Also thank you for allowing us to play our walking football at The Dome. Don't know where we'd be without you guys. (well we possibly do - out in the cold).
Thank you to David for providing the music and to his Dad Ron for the unexpected entertainment.
Thank you to Kel for the running and organizing the quiz, raffle & stand-up bingo (trying to be very pc here).
Thanks to Andy for all his help & support during the last 12 months.
Thanks to Bert for organizing the collection & prezzies.
Thanks to all you guys, gals, players, friends, partners for attending our Christmas Party.
And last but not least thanks to everyone who came with us to the Soccer Dome & have continued to support us.
Here's to the next 12 months. Onwards & upwards.

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